What issues does the Assets tool solve?
Let's take a look at what specific problems can be solved with FirstHR
All data in one place
The entire history of changes, ownership, breakdowns, repairs in one place and in electronic form. No more clutter and missing items.
Breakdown management
Tracking equipment breakdowns often creates problems. We have made it so that you can manage the process of solving a breakdown in a convenient and simple interface.
Easy and paperless management
It is much more convenient to manage all equipment electronically, especially assigning an employee and solving problems.
Employee access to equipment
An employee manages his equipment through a special section in his personal account. Simple, convenient, without paper, in a couple of clicks.
Automated equipment assignment
You can assign equipment to new employees at the time of onboarding. You can also assign a device to current employees in a couple of clicks.
Equipment history
A complete equipment history will allow you to answer any questions you may have about a particular device. It also cannot be faked or changed.