What problems do Performance tools solve?
Let's take a look at what specific problems can be solved with FirstHR
Truly feedback from employees
With complete anonymity, you will get truly feedback and real thoughts about what employees think about your company.
Short and long-term planning
Show your employees your short-term and long-term plans. Plan with them and connect the company's goals and the employee's goals into a single path.
Visualization of real problems
A clear demonstration of where your company has problems and where changes need to be made urgently.
Explanation of company goals
Set priorities and show newcomers what goals your company has achieved and where it is going next.
Monitor changes in team mood
See the consequences of your decisions over time. A clear demonstration of changes in feedback from employees on every aspect of the company’s activities.
Employee motivation
Get direct feedback from your employees on critical issues. Employees can send you information in a few clicks, including anonymously.